Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lucky day - guesthouse a "beehive" of activity

Tuesday was a lucky day.  It rained during the afternoon and brought most of us inside.  People were buzzing around the guesthouse, and we got a lot done.

We are pleased that the frog infestation didn't reappear with the heavy rain, although there were quite a few jokes from staff about the aptly named "krapo."  And they were noisy again last night, even though we couldn't see them. 

Junior, our gardener, cleaned all the light fixtures inside the house, and on the porch, but first he enjoyed modeling the new mop Jeff had purchased earlier.

We needed the new mop to clean up the water that came pouring in the front door during the rain storm. 

Two electricians, volunteers with Building Goodness Foundation, were loaned to us for the day.  Lucky for us, the job they were supposed to be working on was already finished.

We traded lunch for all kinds of electrical work which they did amazingly quickly.  They also had loads of tools and supplies with them which really helps!

Keith (left) and Shane (right) tightened and cleaned up the batteries, and made some recommendations on how to extend the battery life.

Then they went around the house fixing outlets and switches that were showing wear.  They even hung our new towel bars - all eight of them, no easy feat in our harder-than-plaster walls.

And they promised that after going into town later this week, they'd put an actual light switch in the generator house -- a big improvement on the current system of touching bare wires and getting sparks. They're checking out a cranky security light, too.  Fortunately for us, both electricians are staying at the guesthouse until Saturday morning.

We're looking forward to what they have to say about our water pressure pump and bladder.  We hear there is another volunteer coming on Friday who is a pump expert.  Exciting times if you're a guesthouse manager.

Having Keith and Shane here freed Jeff up to install the various artwork that had been accumulating.  Michael Anello, also of Building Goodness, had some of his local staff make stretcher frames for us.  Yup, they have tools, too.

You may recognize this painting as the companion piece to the painting that Bob and Claudia Lempp bought for us a couple of weeks ago.

In addition to all the hammering, Yvette was chopping away in the kitchen, a friendly counterpoint.  Another lucky thing is having her as cook.
Jeff also fixed our broken chair. 
It's fun getting everything fixed up for the next guesthouse manager.


  1. Are you training a new guesthouse manager before you go??

  2. Yes, but no announcements have been made - yet.
